Social Compliance Policy
Mesco Manufacturing is driven to improve the lives of our customers, employees, and the vitality of our communities in all that we do. We are committed to safety, diversity, environmental leadership, social responsibility, and ethical business practices in an environment where collaboration, trust, and accountability thrive. These fundamental values ensure that the decisions we make today are the right decisions for tomorrow. We expect our employees to share and adhere to these same fundamental values and apply them to how they do business in the United States and around the world.
The Mesco Social Compliance Policy describes our expectations in more detail. Employees should educate themselves so that they understand and comply with this code as well as their own ethics and compliance guidelines. Noncompliance can alter and potentially lead to disciplinary action and up to termination of a Mesco employee.
I thank each of our employees for their commitment to these values. The work we do together is critical to our customers and community and reflects directly on Mesco Manufacturing and its commitments. Upholding the highest standards of ethical, social, and sustainable conduct is at the core of our relationships.
Bryan Messer
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